Hair loss is a very common problem, affecting both men and women alike. Not only does it hamper our overall appearance, but it also lowers our confidence and self-esteem. Agreed, there are many techniques available today that can help treat this problem, but nothing can be effective unless you know the root cause of your hair loss. Listed below are some of the most common hair loss causes.
1. Causes of Hair loss
- Stress: As simple and stupid as it may sound, stress is sometimes the main cause of your hair loss causes. High levels of stress are known to trigger the onset of hair loss diseases, leaving you losing hair at an alarming rate. Generally, hair grows at a rate of half an inch per month. Stress can also slower this rate. Even after you deal with your stress and overcome it, it may take as much as two months for your hair to grow back.
- Styling Treatments: With people becoming more fashion conscious these days, many new styling treatments have been introduced in the market. They damage the hair badly, stripping it off all its nutrients. Dull and damaged hair is more vulnerable to breakage, often leading to hair loss. Dyes and hair styling gels and creams contain harmful chemicals that damage hair follicles, making it impossible for new hair to grow.
- Lack of iron and proteins: Though many people are not aware of this, much of your hair loss problems are directly related to how healthy your body is. If the iron and protein levels in your body are low, you automatically tend to lose hair.
- Underlying Diseases: if you’re suffering from diseases like diabetes or lupus, you may lose hair. In such cases, it is important you get a regular health check-up and take appropriate medication for your illness. Once you recover, your hair fall will automatically stop. Additionally, if you’re under any kind of medication, you may experience hair loss as a side-effect of the drug.
- Hereditary: Hair fall and baldness can sometimes be hereditary. While there is no cure for this kind of hair loss, you can eat healthily and stay fit to reduce hair fall rate.
Scalp diseases like dandruff is also a common cause of hair loss. Dandruff can be the result of many things like the accumulation of yeast called Malassezia on your scalp, hormonal changes, or excess oil in the skin.
2. Types of Hair Loss Causes
Types of Hair LossThere are generally three types of hair loss. The first and most common one is Alopecia areata. This condition affects more than 4.7 million Americans and is prevalent among both men and women. Here, the white blood cells attack hair follicles, stopping hair growth and forcing your hair to fall out.
The other type of hair loss is Telogen effluvium and has much to do with physical and emotional stress. In this condition, your growing hair is forced into a “resting phase”, making them weak. Therefore, your hair begins to fall even while combing it or pulling it slightly.
Trichotillomania is a hair fall condition where a person has the irresistible urge of pulling or plucking out all his or her hair. This including pulling out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, and other parts of the body. It is generally seen as a defense mechanism to deal with negative feelings.
3. Tips On Dealing With Hair Loss Causes
After you have determined the underlying cause of your hair loss, it becomes much easier to deal with this problem.
The best way to prevent hair loss is to keep healthy, both mentally and physically. Keep yourself happy and stress-free. Ensure you eat healthily and exercise as frequently as possible.
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Drink a lot of water to keep your body free from all toxic chemicals and include a lot of fresh food in your diet. Get adequate sleep each night. Tiredness and fatigue can also contribute to hair loss causes.
Refrain from styling your hair too often. If you can, allow your hair to dry naturally instead of using a hairdryer every time you wash your hair. Oil your hair at least twice a week so that your hair follicles can soak in the nutrients. If you have any scalp diseases, opt for a prescribed medical shampoo, and use only that.
If the cause of your hair loss causes is some medical condition, you need to consult with your doctor first. See if the prescribed medication is suiting you or not. If the hair loss goes beyond controllable measures, you should see a hair specialist who can help you.