Allergies develop due to the immune system’s irregular response when the body’s resistance reacts to a generally non-detrimental substance in the surrounding like pollens, animal shedding, or foods.
Here are ten prevalent triggers that elicit symptoms of allergies, which could range from mild and bothersome to abrupt and life-menacing.
Being exposed to pollens shed from trees, grass, and weed forms could set off seasonal allergies or hay fever. Symptoms of allergies comprise sneezes, dribbling nasal passages and congestion, scratchy and watery eyes. Treatments include OTC products, prescription medications, and allergy jabs. Symptoms of allergies could be prevented by staying inside the house during gusty weather conditions when pollen levels are soaring, keeping windows shut, and turning on the air-conditioning system.
Pet Dander
Protein secretion from the oil glands present over the skin and salivary dribble of animals could elicit allergy symptoms in many cases. This form of allergy could eventually develop in 2 or more years, and symptoms would not allay till months after contact with that animal or pet has ended. In case one’s pet is the cause for allergies, then making the bedrooms a no-pet area, avoiding carpeting, and washing the pet regularly. HEPA filters and vacuum cleaning the house frequently could also be helpful. Allergy jabs could also provide relief.
Dust Mite
The dust mite is a tiny organism that resides in household dust, thriving in humid areas and feeding off shed skin cells from animals and human-beings, pollens, bacterial and fungal forms. Several strategies to avoid dust mites are covering mattress, pillow, and box spring, using a hypoallergenic cushion, washing bed sheets in steaming water, and not keeping objects that can attract dust stuffed toys, curtain, and carpets.
Insect Bites
Individuals that develop allergy due to bites could experience grave or even life-menacing reactions. Allergy symptoms comprise widespread inflammation at the sting site lasting for even weeks, feeling nauseous, weariness, and low fever. Atypically, insect bites could lead to anaphylaxis, which causes respiratory distress, hives, swell up of the facial area, mouth, throat, quick pulse, giddiness, or a rapid plummet in blood pressure. Epinephrine administration is advisable for those individuals that develop severe allergic reactions following a sting. Allergy jabs are suggested as a preemptive measure for preventing anaphylaxis in future bites.
Mold Spores
Molds are responsible for producing allergen, irritant, and in several scenarios, quite harmful substances due to which following inhalation or contact with them could trigger allergy reactions in several people. Molds are of different forms and thrive in moist places like grasses, bathroom, and basement. I am avoiding any form of activity that could elicit symptoms like scraping leaves—keeping the house adequately ventilated at all times to prevent dampness.
Food types like milk, nut, wheat, shellfish are some of the most prevalent offenders causing allergic reactions that generally develop shortly after consuming them. Symptoms comprise hives, puking, loose bowels, swell up in the area around the mouth, and asthma, which could be acute. Hence, steering clear from such food items and exposure to taking antihistamine or steroid therapy is advisable. In life-menacing scenarios, epinephrine shots are required.
Latex present in gloves, condom, and particular scientific apparatus could set off latex allergy symptoms like skin rashes, itchy eyes, dribbling nasal passages, sneezes, gasping, scratchy nose, or skin. Reddishness and itchiness in the skin to even anaphylaxis could develop, causing respiratory distress. People with an allergy must don MedicAlert bracelets and should be carrying epinephrine kits.
Intake of certain medicines like aspirin and penicillin could cause mild to life-menacing symptoms comprising hives, scratchy eyes, congested feeling, and oral swell up. It is recommended to keep away from such medicines and get treated with antihistamine or steroid in case of exposure. A bronchodilator could be suggested for people with congestion in the lungs and cough. In case of acute signs, epinephrine could be necessary.
Certain types of fragrance, including perfume, aroma candle, detergents, and cosmetic products, could cause mild to acute health problems. In the majority of the cases, the symptoms subside when the aroma has been dispelled.
Droppings, shedding from bugs like roaches could trigger allergic reactions in some people. They are getting pest-control done in the house, maintaining cleanliness, mending any crevices, gaps, or cracks in the place that could avert their entrance within the home.