When it is about moving into a new house, there’s a lot to remember. The process consumes a lot of time and effort. Despite all the challenges, some people consider it to be fun.
Moving into the new home is indeed exciting, but it comes with some pre-requisites. Doesn’t matter if you have purchased the new one or you’re renting it; there are certain things that you need to do.
We have prepared a list of ten things that everyone needs to do before moving into a new house.
Replace the Locks on Exterior Entrances
When moving into a new house, peace of mind is of utmost importance. This has to be done because you don’t know who else has the possession of the keys of the existing locks. It is possible that the previous owners or the landlord may have given them their workmen, neighbors, or relatives. It might not sound that serious, but it is a crucial factor that no one can afford to ignore.
Declutter well in Advance
It is going to be a daunting task to take the entire household stuff from one place to the other. However, not everything that you have needs to be carried along. Some of them are simply nothing but waste. The fewer things you have to move, the more comfortable will be the process. If you don’t clear it up, you might even have to pay more to the cairns removalist.
The great thing here is that something that works but is of no use to you, maybe the one that someone else needs. If you donate it, maybe sell it at a cheaper price, you will get rid of it in the most effective way.
Clean the New House
Before you move into a new house, it is vital to have it professionally cleaned. In some cases, the previous tenants or the landlords do it for you, but most of the time, you need to clean it by yourself.
If you cannot do it by yourself, you can hire a cleaning agency to work for you. Steam cleaning the carpets, vacuum cleaning the cupboards, and closets are crucial before moving to a new place.
Label Everything
One of the boxes will have the things that belong to the bathroom, and another one will have the kitchen stuff. If you don’t want to be confused after you move into the new house, make sure you mark the name of the area on every box before you relocate.
This method keeps everything smooth and quick for you. This way, you will save some of your precious time, which you can invest in other jobs during the process.
Pack separate for the First Night
After having spent days in the process, you might not be in the condition to unpack everything on the day you move. If you pack everything together, you will need to find the important ones for the first day from the entire mess.
To avoid this struggle, pack the things that you need on the first day in a separate box, and don’t forget to mention it on the box. Else, you will have no option but to juggle between them all.
The basic items that this box must contain are clothes, beverages, some food, and all those things that you feel are necessary to survive the first night.
Inform the Banks and Mails about Your New Address
It’s a convenience for you as well the banks and other institutions that need to talk to you through mails. If you skip it, you might not receive the vital things in time. Go to your local post office, and get your address updated a couple of days before moving to the new house.
Also, don’t forget to update it on your electoral proof and the documents like Driving License among other necessary ones. If your mails get to the wrong place, they might end up in the wrong hands. To avoid any issues later on, take some time out of your schedule to ensure your own safety.
Upgrade the Electrical Systems
Skip it if it’s a new home, but if it was built years ago, you need to change the electrical wiring. This is because safety comes first. Older wires may be worn out, a situation which can lead to short-circuiting.
Also, things like switches, fans, and lights cannot be ignored. You need those things at all times, and they need to be in great condition. It is far easier for an electrician to work in an empty room where he can move the ladder wherever he needs.
Inform Your Neighbours
It does not matter how engaged you are in the task, inform the neighbors about it. You may want to be in touch in the future, and the best way is by keeping them informed.
Now, this does not imply to the old neighbors only. You should also let the new ones know about your arrival time. This is the best way to get started with a new community.
Establish the Internet Connection
Let’s face it- there’s no life without an active internet connection today. Not just to surf social media, it is necessary for the security equipment to work as well. Digital doorbells are in trend these days, and they don’t work without a wireless connection.
Clean the Older House
Just like you want your new house to be clean, the one who’s moving into your old house craves for the same. Once you pack everything that you want to take along, thoroughly clean the house.
Wipeout every surface and vacuum the empty wardrobes and other places that need it. Give the new owners or tenants some relief so they don’t have to clean everything deeply by themselves.
You can make this challenging task look enticing if you follow the guidelines that are mentioned here. There’s nothing in those tips that you can’t do or get done by someone else. The only thing you need to take out is enough time to plan and execute everything right in time.
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