Pendulum Board

Pendulum boards are a great tool to try if you have tried tarot or palm reading. You could also visit a fortuneteller. It is easy to use this lesser-known occult tool. How to build your occult device and how to use it for all of your burning questions.

What is a Pendulum Board?

What is a Pendulum Board

Pendulum boards are small circular or rectangular pieces of paper that you can use in conjunction with the pendulum to perform divination. On the opposite sides of your board, you will find “yes,””no,” and “unclear,” as well as “maybe” or “rephrase.”

Lyons told MBG that a person would hold a pendulum over a board while asking a question. The answer is whichever word it swings to.

Experts in divination believe these boards are effective because they help users tap into their intuition.

Why should you make your tools?

Your energy is infused into the final product when you create your own. You can be sure that they are tuned to your energy.

Does that mean that I can’t use a pendulum board that I bought? No, of course not. There are several pendulums I’ve purchased that have worked beautifully for me over the years. I also have two that I’ve made that no longer work well, so I either don’t use them very often or give them to my students. It’s always best to follow your intuition in this matter.

What makes it different from an Ouija Board?

Pendulum and Ouija Boards have some key differences. Lyons says that Ouija boards can be used in a group, whereas pendulums may only be used by one person. She adds that pendulums are also able to be used alone to provide answers to divinatory questions. An Ouija board, however, requires both a planchette and an Ouija Board.

Lyons says that both are used to connect to guides or spirits. “Both rely on invisible forces moving the object,” Lyons said. She says that Ouija and pendulum boards work in the same way and are both used to answer questions and connect with your intuition and spirit world.

What is a Pendulum?

You should familiarize yourself with your pendulum before you start using it. Find out what directions mean: yes, no or uncertain. Asking your pendulum is the best way to learn this. Ask your pendulum, “Which way is yes?” while holding it in one hand and resting your elbow on something stable, like a desk. Note if the direction it moves in is clockwise, counterclockwise, left to right or right to left. Ask it again for each answer you may get. Ask some questions you know the answers to make sure you understand what you’ve learned.

Some pendulums have very exaggerated movements, while others seem to move very little. You must do the same thing with every pendulum.

The effect of micromovements can cause problems. The pendulum can be affected by the micro-movements of the fingers and hands that we don’t notice. You can avoid this by using a pendulum. This is not easy to achieve if you wish to have your pendulum with you when you’re out, but it is a great tool for home sessions.

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You can now use the pendulum for simple yes or no questions. What if your questions are more detailed? You can still use the pendulum. You can use a pendulum, but only in conjunction with divination boards or pendulums.

What is the best place to buy a board?

You can find pendulum boards online or in the nearest occult store. Lyons recommends that you support local, small stores, noting the availability of boards with different aesthetics and styles. You can make your boards, which leads us to the next point.

Can you make a DIY pendulum board?

Lyons says that yes, it’s possible to make your board. It is also quite simple. The board can be made along with the pendulum, or you can purchase one. You can find templates online to print out or use as inspiration.

You’ll also need:

  • The ideal shape for a piece of paper, wood or cardboard is a circular one.
  • Write with something
  • Pendulum board template (optional)

The instructions for the board are:

  • You can design your board however you want, but be sure to add “yes” in two opposite directions and “no” in the two other opposing directions. If you wish, include other words such as “unclear,” “rephrase”, and/or even “maybe.”

You’ll also need:

  • Crystal of your choice (preferably with a pointed tip)
  • Chain (such as the type you’d use to make a long necklace)
  • Jewelry wire wrapping
  • Wire cutter
  • The pliers are small.

Pendulum instructions:

  1. Wrap the crystal (pointed side facing downward, if appropriate) in wire until you feel it is secure. Leave a loop for your chain at the top.
  2. Use pliers or a wire cutter to secure the wire.
  3. Attach your crystals to the chain, leaving 8-10 inches so that it swings properly.

Bottom line.

A pendulum is a great spiritual tool for simple questions regarding your past, future or present. This simple board, whether you buy it from an occult store or create one yourself, can bring about some profound insights.