replaster your pool
replaster your pool

Owning a pool in your home is a great way to relax after a day of stress. Pools are ideal to spend time in summer evenings and vacations. However, the pools need a lot of maintenance and care as a well maintained allows you to use it for decades. A neglected pool can cause problems before you expect them.

Pools tend to suffer wear and tear with time. Plaster pools also need regular maintenance. The plaster needs to be replaced after a few years. Usually, the time for replacement is ten years for a new pool. A well-maintained plaster pool can last for decades, but they also show the signs of wear after a few years. onga ppp750 helps to clean your pool. Here are the signs that indicate that you need to replaster your pool:

Wear and tear of plaster

As the plaster pools are made up of a soft material that tends to show the signs of wear. If you notice the plaster flaking or peeling on the sides or the floor of your pool, they are the signs of worn plaster. Low pH and low calcium levels are the cause of flaking of plaster. Whenever you see the flakes appearing on the surface of the plaster, it’s time to replaster your pool.

Corroded tile grout

The pool surfaces with tiles last as much as three times than the plaster pool surfaces. The tile grout can show the signs of corrosion if proper care is not taken. Sometimes the adhesive of the tile becomes weak with water, and the tile pops out from the sides or floor. All these signs are the result of poor installation that appears only when a tile pops out of the surface.

Surface Stains

Surface stains are also signs of worn plaster. Minerals like copper, calcium, and salts are the reasons for stains on the surface of your pool. They also discolor the pool and turn it into a bluish-grey color. A topical stain sticks to the surface of the plaster. You can use acid to clean the stains, but use it with caution and acids can burn the skin. But is the stains are more severe; you will need to replaster your pool.


If the color of the floor of our pool turns grey or bluish with white streaks, it is a sure shot sign of plaster wear. You can see the discoloration at the top steps in the pool. The discoloration is visible easily on the colored pool plaster finishes. Once the plaster starts discoloring, there is no way to repair it. You need to replaster your pool to get the original finish and smoothness.

Rough surfaces

Sometimes you may not see any visible signs, but the surface of the plaster becomes rough. The uneven surfaces become noticeable when the dust begins to enter the cracks. The surface of the pool feels like sandpaper. The temporary fixes include draining the pool, acid washing and polishing the surface but they cost close to replastering. Therefore it is better to replaster your pool instead of temporary fixing the roughness.

Uncomfortable swimming

If you feel uncomfortable while swimming in the pool, it may be the first sign you notice about worn plaster in your pool. If you come out of your pool with rough or scratched feet, it is a sign of roughness of pool plaster. If the surface of the sides of your pool feels rough when you run your hand on it, the plaster of your pool is thinning.

Gunite showing through

Most of the pool companies use Gunite or Shotcrete to construct the structural support of the pool. The plaster acts as a waterproofing layer that we see on the surface. If you see the visible patches of dark structural materials, it means you need to replaster your pool.

Pool facelift

Some owners decide to change the colour or surface material. Resurfacing is another reason for replastering a pool. Usually, the white plaster is applied over the pool shell, but now the coloured options are also available. Coloured plasters are made of white plasters by colouring them with a dye.

Some pool owners decide to provide a facelift to their pool for a new visual appeal. If you are bored with your white plaster, you can consider replastering with your favorite colour option.

Final Words

It is essential to know the right time for replastering your pool. The points mentioned in this post are the sure-shot signs that you need to replaster your pool. If you live in or around Perth, Australia, all you have to do is search a professional swimming pool Perth company to replaster your pool.

Also Read: Benefits of a Concrete Swimming Pool

If you see any of the signs given in this post on your pool, consider replastering it from a professional pool company as soon as possible.