While an expert 24/7 security operation center does wonders with the technological tools that you put to their disposal, they manage to prevent a lot of cybersecurity threats. However, most managers do not realize that the people outside your IT security play a critical role on the front lines as well. It helps if your company’s IT security expertise is extended to more than just one department.
The most popular mantra for cyber security risk has been “defense-in-depth.” Yet, we don’t think about the weakest link in the organization who are most vulnerable yet have no means of defending themselves, that is, the employees. Should they play the role of sitting ducks in your organization?
Here are the top five reasons Who should train your employees in cybersecurity for the greater good of your company.
#1. Fewer Breach Instances
The most important reason for this is to ensure that your company’s data and hardware are safe. An important aspect that most people do not think about as often is that you are ensuring that the business runs smoothly and that your company’s sensitive information is not leaked, which might hinder its operational ability.
On top of this, you save yourself from security audits, fines, lawsuits, and any other negative results from a security breach.
#2. Do Employees Bring Their Own Devices
This popular policy allows people to bring their personal devices to work to save costs, maybe a risk to your cybersecurity. Unfortunately, these devices are not under your business’s security infrastructure, so they invalidate the entire purpose of IT security.
If you think employees use their devices for work, the best way to be sure that none of your systems or data are at risk is to allow your staff to protect it themselves. A good training program can do that.
#3. You Save Money
Even though you may incur some form of cost and time in training your employees regularly, if you do the math, you will find that you are saving money that it would cost to repair the damage.
Security breaches can damage your hardware and result in irrecoverable data loss. What’s worse is that a lot of work might have to be done again, rendering your employee’s previous efforts useless. Therefore, it is less costly to be proactive from the start.
#4. The Cyber Security Threat Landscape
Your team must stay on top of the latest cybersecurity threats that may come up. Remember, it is not just devices. External emails carry these too. Social engineering attacks are the biggest way both big and small businesses are attacked with malware or hacked into. Furthermore, this threat landscape is constantly changing.
According to this Symantec report of security breaches in 2018, the pattern has grown. Not only are cyber-attacks more sophisticated than last year, but it seems like attackers have uncovered new vulnerabilities in the business’s systems.
This suggests that updated training programs are important. It also means that cybersecurity should not be a one-time thing for all new employees. Who can forget the training?
#5. Regulation Demands It
If your business is under any regulatory requirements, chances are you need to start workshops on this. However, if you are not aware of this, you can always research what exactly falls under regulation in the IT security area.
For example, does your business come under the GLBA, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI, or HIPAA regulations? If yes, you will need to arrange for IT security training for everyone you have hired.
You don’t have to hire any outside help either; just ask your existing IT department to create training workshops for the rest of the employees, including you.
These regulations have come about because they understand that the people that make your business are the weakest link in your overall IT security.
The Key Aspects of Cyber Security Training
Some things that you must enforce in the workplace include:
- Being vigilant of any irregularity on your computer.
- Backing everything you work on.
- Notifying the IT department if you notice something suspicious.
- Always use strong passwords.
- Never download suspicious apps or programs.
Cyber Security training must not be limited to a single course or a seminar. Instead, you must devise a comprehensive training program, which will become in time an integral part of your company’s culture.
This is an excellent way for your company to deem cybersecurity an integral component of their work process.
By making the culture of data security common, there will be fewer breaches of security, employees will understand organization policy about internet security, and ways they can defend themselves from cyber-attacks should anytime one might occur.